We Couldn’t Live...

One of my favorite resources to share is SMILE, a great big collection of STEM based educational activities provided by science museums, aquariums, and other informal STEM institutions. Essentially a searchable database of activities, SMILE has some features that make it really easy to use and infinitely valuable to anyone who is putting together STEM [&hellip

Resource: T.H.E. Journal

Instead of doing a full review post, we decided to write up a quick blurb about T.H.E. Journal. Despite it’s assuming moniker, T.H.E. Journal is anĀ approachableĀ publication dealing with all thing technology education. Subtitled “Transforming Education through Technology”, recent issues we’ve perused include articles about mobile devices in schools, teaching app development, integrating technology on a [&hellip

Kickstarter Round Up:...

This post about MaKey MaKey inspired us to browse Kickstarter looking for the latest projects that would be of interest to STEAM educators, parents, and geeks. There are hundreds of ideas proposed in the Technology and Design sections alone, but we felt like the following projects really captured the spirit of what we want Teaching [&hellip

Control Everything with...

Jay Silver and Eric Rosembaum, from MIT’s Media Lab are launching a super-exciting new gadget: MaKey MaKey. It’s a circuit-board that allows anyone to create their own controllers out of anything slightly conductive – from play-doh to bananas or human skin! Just plug the USB cable into any computer, and the system sees a new [&hellip