We Couldn’t Live...

One of my favorite resources to share is SMILE, a great big collection of STEM based educational activities provided by science museums, aquariums, and other informal STEM institutions. Essentially a searchable database of activities, SMILE has some features that make it really easy to use and infinitely valuable to anyone who is putting together STEM [&hellip

School’s Out!: Make’s...

Waiting in line at our local food co-op we found this latest special issue of Make Magazine, the School’s Out!: Best Summer Ever edition. It seemed perfectly geeky and fun, so we picked up a copy. We’ve been looking through the print edition and the online content, and are ready to review it for y’all. [&hellip

Incredibly Wonderful: 100...

Revisiting our oft forgotten Twitter account, we came across a gem among the 140 character shout outs. To celebrate the hundredth anniversary of Frank Oppenheimer’s birth, the Exploratorium will be tweeting a Frank quote a day for 100 days leading up to his birthday on August 14th. Check out all the posts by searching for #frank100. They [&hellip

Headlines: SpaceX’s Dragon...

We’ve been excitedly following the news about the private capsule that docked with the International Space Station this weekend. In addition to lots of news coverage of the mission, there’s a cool video of the astronauts opening the hatch to the capsule (the action kicks in at around minute 36). In honor of the momentous step [&hellip

Review: Boing Boing’s...

We are big podcast fans here at Teaching Robots. We rarely do the dishes or fold laundry without first turning on an episode of Radiolab, Stuff You Missed in History Class, or This American Life. It’s actually from listening to an episode of Bullseye with Jesse Thorn that we heard about Apps for Kids, a [&hellip

Mass or Bust:...

We are so excited that the whole Teaching Robots editorial team will be going to Boston and Cambridge at the end of July for the Scratch Conference at MIT. None of us have ever been to Boston, and being able to visit MIT’s Media Lab (especially the Lifelong Kindergarten Group) is like heading to mecca [&hellip

Resource: T.H.E. Journal

Instead of doing a full review post, we decided to write up a quick blurb about T.H.E. Journal. Despite it’s assuming moniker, T.H.E. Journal is an approachable publication dealing with all thing technology education. Subtitled “Transforming Education through Technology”, recent issues we’ve perused include articles about mobile devices in schools, teaching app development, integrating technology on a [&hellip

Kickstarter Round Up:...

This post about MaKey MaKey inspired us to browse Kickstarter looking for the latest projects that would be of interest to STEAM educators, parents, and geeks. There are hundreds of ideas proposed in the Technology and Design sections alone, but we felt like the following projects really captured the spirit of what we want Teaching [&hellip